Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Tuesday - Another Short Week!

Welcome Back!  Did you have a good FOUR day weekend?  Ours was busy!  P/T conferences Thursday night and Friday morning, I busted my youngest out of school early on Friday so we could do some wedding clothes shopping, HF hockey game Friday night (WIN!), road trip to southern Indiana for a wedding on Saturday, road trip back home on Sunday, and yesterday we ran errands all day (we have muffins!), and then had our good-bye dinner with my in-laws who are leaving in the morning to drive back to Arizona for the winter.  We won't see them again until May.   I'm tired....

Baseball game tonight and some St. Joe's stuff (I'm the Athletic Director for my church).  

How about you?  Tell me about your weekend!

Here is a pic from the wedding this weekend.  It was held at Brown County State Park in Nashville, IN.  SO PRETTY!!!

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