Monday, October 29, 2018

Monday, Sub Day!

Hey!  As you can see, I'm not there today.  I had earmarked yesterday to hunker down and get a ton of stuff done....grading, basketball league stuff, P-State dual credit professor stuff, etc.  I was sick yesterday, though....down for the count...and didn't get any of it done.  I'm working from home today.  If you need anything, email me. I'll be around.

Today.....Be good for the sub!!!!!

Multimedia - Blog/CNN. I'm giving you an extra day for your articles, but you are going to have to turn them in on Google Classroom.  This should keep you all busy today, as I don't really think many of you have finished these.  Tomorrow when I'm back, we will start the design portion of the project.  If you are finished with everything, choose an image you'd like to use for your magazine cover.

Yearbook - Blog/CNN - We are going to start the new book this week!  Find something quiet to work on once CNN is over.

Entrepreneurship - Blog/CNN.  The rest of your assignment is in Google Classroom.

See you guys tomorrow.  Be good and do your work!

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