Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Happy Mardi Gras!

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As someone who loves to celebrate ANYTHING and who LOVES a theme, today is always a day that puts my ADD into overdrive.  It's Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday), Paczki (Poonchkie) Day, it's Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day)....Holy Smokes...so much to celebrate!  

St. Joe's is hosting four playoff games tonight, so we aren't really celebrating tonight.  I bought Paczki's last night for breakfast this morning.  

Mardi Gras...Oh, how I adore NOLA!  The BIG parades are today.  


And with the close of Fat Tuesday begins Lent.  Are you giving anything up?  

I'm doing two things this year.  Getting rid of a bag of something every day during Lent and I think I'm going  to give up pop. 

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