Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Long Weekend...How was it?

Short week this week!  Yay!  How was your holiday weekend? What did you do?

Friday we made heart shaped pizzas for Valentine's Day.

Saturday was Trivia Night for St. Joe's.  Packed house and we made over a grand for St. Joe's Athletics.  

Sunday was Turnabout shopping and getting out of the house while the rest of my people were dying from the flu or Coronavirus, or whatever sickness is going around.  

Yesterday I delivered all the voter registrations to Joliet, took a bunch of 7th grade boys bowling, and then had a dr. appt.  AND THEN IT HIT ME.....I was down for the count last night.  Chills, the whole 9 yards.  Woke up this morning and I feel fine.  I'm hoping since I take Vitamin C every day, plus I got the flu shot, that this is all that I had.  Keep your fingers crossed!

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