Monday, October 5, 2020

Motivational Monday

 Happy Monday!  Not gonna lie...I REALLY wanted to stay in bed this morning. I totally could have done a "remote" day, but even though I'd still be online with you all, there would still need to be a sub in here and subs are hard to come by these days. I am.  In my cold classroom with my portable heater, blanket, and winter coat at 7:06 AM.    

What are your goals for the week?  Mine....

Get business web site running.  I already have logo created, supplies ordered, etc.  

Get my bedroom put together.  It's being painted today, so I can officially start working on it tonight.

Weekend was good...anniversary dinner with friends Friday, did a bunch of errands on Saturday, friends came over on Saturday night and we played LCR.  Yesterday we made homemade pizza and my younger one had a double header at 4.  It was COLD!

How about you?

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