Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Motivational Monday!

keep your distance 

Well...here we are.  We knew it would happen...and I was just saying on Friday how I could go for some quarantine days.  I'm going to choose to believe I didn't jinx us!  

How was your weekend? What are your goals for the week?

Weekend was good.  My ghost hunting thing on Friday night was okay.  I totally believe in all that stuff, but I also think I'm pretty realistic as well.  

Rest of the weekend was pretty chill.  Did some more work on the house, etc. 

My goals for this week...

I'm in a challenge with a bunch of my girlfriends.  So..getting my steps, drinking water, etc. are on my goal list for this week. 

Along with all the other normal stuff....

What about you?  

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