Monday, October 26, 2020

Motivational Monday!

Happy Monday!  I'm dragging this morning....

Didn't get home from Ho-Chunk until 11:30 or so last night.  They won the championship, but yikes...I'm tired!  

How was your weekend?  What are your goals for the week??

Weekend was fine.  Stuffed Halloween goodie bags from St. Joe's Athletic Association on Friday night, worked the ACT here on Saturday, went to bed early Saturday night, and yesterday we ran errands and then last night we had baseball.  It was rough getting up two hours earlier than I have the two weeks being home, but I'm happy to be back!  I'm fairly sure my kids were ready for me to be out of the house as well...ha!

Goals for the week....

Family arrives on Thursday.  Need to work on making sure everything is ready.  Also, we're having a thing on Halloween, so I need to prep for that as well.  Then there is the Linden House Boutique.  Need to finalize some of that this week as well.  That's my plan for P/T Conferences, seeing as I have one parent signed up for the entire night....

What about you??

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