Monday, October 19, 2020

Motivational Monday!

Good Morning!  Happy Monday!  Happy first day of 2nd Quarter!  How was your weekend? Mine was rather uneventful.  We are nearing the end of my son's baseball season and he's been playing for a couple different teams the last few weeks.  There has been a lot of baseball lately.  I'm cool with it, but the weather this weekend was not baseball friendly. Four games and all four were either rainy, windy, or both.  No fun.  Friday night we had friends over and a big fire.  Beyond that, it was relatively low key.

What are your goals for the week?  I have family coming in next week, so I'm happy I'm home this week to start making sure things are put together and ready for their arrival.  

I have most of my grading done.  Just a few things left.  Need to finish that.

What about you??


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