Friday, November 20, 2020

Feel Good Friday!


Well, it's Friday during a lockdown during a pandemic before a big holiday where we really shouldn't gather.  I'm so positive, right??

There isn't a whole lot on my "Feel Good" list today, but I'll muster some enthusiasm and try to think of something.

We made it ALL five days this week!  Granted, it's been from home for you, so it's not like you had to go far.  But...the last few weeks I feel like we've had a day off or something, or at least I have.  So...five days in a row!  We did it! week is just a TWO DAY WEEK!!!!

I think I'm going to put up our outdoor Christmas decorations tonight while it's still nice out.

It's nice out! I slept with my windows open last night!

I feel OK today?!  All week I've had issues with my back and knee.  Today I feel better!

What about you?  What are you feeling good about today?

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