Thursday, November 5, 2020

Gold Stars or Demerits?

Happy Thursday!  Even though it's technically our Friday.  No school tomorrow!  Yay!  

It's Gold Stars or Demerits today....what are you giving yourself?

I'm giving myself one of each today.  

Gold Star - I've been doing this challenge with my friends and I'm still at it.  I don't check all the boxes each day, but I check most of them! Plus we added a new side challenge for November that I would have never even considered prior to this.  So...that's a win in my book!

Demerit - I'm behind in my launch date of my business.  I sort of had it in my head that I would launch somewhere around 10/1.  It's 11/5.  I've done work for it, but just haven't got everything in place.  I'm working on that today/tonight while I'm here for conferences.

What about you?

Have a FANTASTIC weekend!  Enjoy the weather!

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