Thursday, September 1, 2016

CNN Student News - How to study for the Friday Quiz!

So, it's Thursday.  Tomorrow is the first CNN quiz of the year.  How should you prepare??  Here's a guide on what to look for when studying.

I should say this - as long as you pay moderate attention during the news broadcasts during the week and invest maybe 10 minutes or so looking over the transcripts, you really should be fine.  I don't ask crazy, obscure questions and I don't try to make them difficult.  I promise!

CNNSN produces their shows a day in advance.  Usually, by 6PM or so, the next day's episode is available.  CNN puts out their own quiz on Fridays as well.  You can always get some good review by looking at those.

When I write the quizzes, I basically just browse the transcripts from each day that week.  Click HERE for CNN Student News.  Scroll through the page and find Archives (on right side of page as you scroll down).  Click on Archives and you will be able to access each show from the week in this area.  There is a link to each day's transcript within that day's page.

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