Tuesday, September 20, 2016

National Anthem Protest

Colin Kaepernick of the San Francisco 49ers sat out the National Anthem a couple of weeks ago in protest of police brutality against people of color.  


I have mixed feelings on this.  Here are my general thoughts....

  • I don't disagree with his right to peaceful protest.  
  • I do disagree with him protesting at "work". 
  • I disagree with the NFL for allowing this.
  • I agree that there are crappy cops out there that do use brutality against people of color
  • I do NOT think that of the majority of police officers.
  • I do think that some people put themselves in situations that lend themselves to scrutiny.
  • I do believe in white privilege.  Not in the sense that I have privilege, but in the sense that I have no idea what it is like to be a person of color.  

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