Monday, September 12, 2016

Marvelous Monday.....

Alarm didn't go off when it was supposed to this morning, so everything seems rushed.  I don't like it when that happens.  Especially on a Monday.

Pretty decent weekend for the Cal's.  Friday night we finished the season one of Stranger Things.  Have you watched this??  You MUST!  So good!

Saturday was full of flag football, hockey and baseball.  I scored some free tickets for Brad Paisley, so us and the BFF's headed over to Tinley for the evening.  Super fun concert.  I'm not a huge fan, but know enough to sing along and be entertained for the night.  Country artists are so fan-friendly.  At one point, I was less than six foot away from him.  Way cool.  I tried to upload video, but the file is too big.

How was your weekend?

Another week is upon us.  Hopefully the weather will be better and it won't be so hot in the building.

Have a great day!

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