Friday, September 30, 2016

Feel Good Friday

Happy Friday!  Here's what I'm feeling good about today....

After being sick all week, I'm feeling a whole lot better today.  Not 100%, but I finally feel like I'm getting there!
Today is my 21st wedding anniversary!  
I have a lunch date with my husband at Portillo's.  I have a dr. appt. this afternoon, so I get to meet him for lunch beforehand.
I'm playing bunco tonight with my girlfriends.
My older son's first hockey game of the season is tomorrow.  I love hockey.  I love everything about it.  I love his team.  I love the families on our team.  I love yelling.  It's so much fun! 

This is me, but throw in a bunch of hockey stuff......

How about you?  What are you feeling good about today?  

Have a great weekend.  Make good choices.

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