Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Happy Tuesday!

I can't decide whether I feel like I've been gone forever, or if I feel like I just left.  Is it possible for both??

How was your holiday weekend?  

Mine was super fun.  I'm SO tired, though.  We got home around 5 last night.  Once we got unpacked, laundry started, etc., my two MORON sons decided to play catch with a REAL baseball in the backyard and broke my big picture window in our back room.  So, that led to an evening cleaning up all the broken glass, going to Home Depot for plywood, boarding up the window, etc.  Good times in the Cal house.  You should have been there!  

South Carolina is so pretty.  We were in the mountains.  LOVED it!  The wedding was beautiful and it was awesome to be with family!

How about you?  How was your weekend?  What did you do?

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