Thursday, September 19, 2019

Thursday - Gold Stars or Demerits??

If you are in my morning classes, you will see that I'm not here.  I'm at the junior high doing some Google training.  I'll be back at some point during 4th hour.  Be good for the sub..
  • 1st Hour - Do your blog, watch CNN10, and work on your Quotes & Facts project.  Remember, this is due at the end of class tomorrow.  You also have a student news quiz tomorrow.
  • 2nd Hour - Blog/CNN10.  Once that is finished, work on your script and get it turned in.  I'm going to read them tonight, so they need to be turned in by the end of class today.  Read your script out loud to yourself and time it.  Is it between 60-90 seconds?  It needs to be!
  • 4th Hour - Blog/CNN10.  I should be back before anything else needs to happen.  Can someone pop in the lunches to see if anyone needs to buy Turnabout Tickets?  The ticket box and list are on my desk.
OK...for today's blog...

Gold Star or Demerit?  Which one are you giving yourself this week?  I'm going to give myself a gold star today.  We are house hunting, and while we haven't found one as of yet, we know that we are going to have to sell our house in the process.  I've lived in this house for almost 17 years.  I've accumulated quite a bit over the years.  The last two weekends, I've brought a few bags/boxes, etc. over to Goodwill and have cleared out a specific spots in my house.  They weren't very big spots, but I got rid of stuff!  Yay!  Gold Star for me!

How about you???  Are you giving yourself a gold star or a demerit??  Why??

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