Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Taco Tuesday!
It's Taco Tuesday! What do you like on your tacos?
If it's an "American" taco...Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato, Black Olives
If it's a legit steak taco from a truck, etc.....Cilantro, Salsa
Growing up, we used to go to the Mexican Inn on the East Side of Chicago 95th & Ewing probably every couple of weeks or so. It has since closed down, but one of the family has opened their own place in Whiting called The Taco Dive. Their tacos are SO good! I think maybe this weekend calls for a quick trip to The Taco Dive.
Monday, September 28, 2020
Motivational Monday!
Friday, September 25, 2020
Feel Good Friday!
It's FRI-YAY!!!!
I'm feeling good about....
I cooked a legit, real meal last night. One that required use of several items, a new recipe, chopping of assorted herbs and's been like forever. Not that I haven't cooked, but this felt real..
Conference Championship for my son's JH baseball team in the morning.
Sunshine! It's going to be warm tomorrow! I'm hoping to soak up some free sun!
My birthday was so nice. I'm almost embarrassed about how much I was spoiled by everyone all day.
Pizza Friday! Not sure where it will be from tonight....
What about you?? What are you feeling good about today?
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Supreme Court Showdown.....What do you think?
Monday, September 21, 2020
Motivational Monday
Friday, September 18, 2020
Feel Good Friday!
Happy Friday!!! What are you feeling good about today?
This week felt long, so I'm feeling good about the weekend and a couple of days off to reset.
We have NO plans for tonight! That doesn't necessarily mean that I won't do anything, but I like the thought of not having anywhere to be at any specific time.
Pizza Friday! We have pizza for dinner most Friday's during the school year.
That's about it for me. Things are starting to fall into place and feel somewhat normal, so I guess that's a feel good, too!
What about you??
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Grievance Thursday! Air Your Grievances!
Have you ever watched Seinfeld? There is a Christmas episode where George's dad creates his own holiday called "Festivus". Part of the Festivus tradition is to "air your grievances". In other words, get it out....complain about something. So, around once a month, on a Thursday, we will air our grievances. Below is a list if my current complaints......
It's COLD in here! I don't ever remember it being like this. I honestly have a lap blanket that I brought in to cover my legs, like an old lady.
It's Couple's Trip Weekend. And I'm here. We go on a trip every year with friends. We were supposed to be on a flight this morning to New Orleans. If you know anything about me, you know that I LOVE the NOLA! We were all going there this year for my 25th wedding anniversary, which is in a couple of weeks. That's where we went on our honeymoon and we've been back several times since. I'm so super bummed that we aren't going. Stupid COVID.
My kid lost his wallet. Ugh. He had around $80 in tip money in it, so that's an expensive lesson learned on his part. However, he had his license and debit card in there as well. Debit biggie. He's already put a lock on it, but his DRIVER'S LICENSE!!! OMG....That will be a six hour trip to the DMV! Time I really don't have.
and this one really isn't a complaint, but a **sigh** nonetheless.....I made a double batch of banana bread last night. I forgot to add sugar. The bananas were sweet, I used some coconut flour, and it had mini chocolate chips in it, so it's not AWFUL....but a bummer anyhow.
What about you?? Air your grievances!
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Wordy Wednesday!
Good Morning! I clicked out of the puzzle before I remembered to find out the amount of possible words. How many can you find?
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Tasty Tuesday! What do you like to drink?
What's your go-to beverage of choice? I generally drink Crystal Light Raspberry Iced tea. It's what's usually found in my pink cup. If I'm drinking pop, I'm a Diet Dr. Pepper girl. I try to limit myself on pop, though.
What about you??
Monday, September 14, 2020
Motivational Monday
Good Morning! Happy Monday! NGL, I'm on the struggle bus today. I didn't sleep well the last few nights and it's caught up with me. I may need to go home and take a nap after school today. I'm also freezing! That said, I'm not much in the motivation department, but I'm trying!
Weekend was fine. Went out with my friends on Friday night. My son was supposed to have four baseball games this weekend. None of them materialized. Rain on Saturday and then we got to his games yesterday and the team he was supposed to have a double header against wound up with a player positive for COVID. So...home we went. Speaking of COVID, we had a COVID death in our family. My husband's cousin's son. He was 19! Contracted COVID in late March and it had an impact on his heart. Struggled ever since and it caused a fatal heart attack late last week.
Goals this week....Lots of school related items this week. Senior pictures, lesson plans, etc.
What about you? How was your weekend? What are your goals?
Friday, September 11, 2020
Feel Good Friday!
Happy Friday! Here's what I'm feeling good about today....
My wedding ring fits! I broke my hand right before Christmas last year and my ring finger and pinky were part of the cast. It made them swell so badly that I haven't been able to fit my wedding ring past my knuckle since getting the cast off. I try every couple of weeks and it finally fit!
I feel somewhat "moved in". There is still a TON of things to do and unpack, but we can function as a household now and just unpack a few boxes each day.
Out with my girl gang/tribe tonight! Celebrating a milestone for one of my girls and having dinner.
Hockey! My son is a senior at HF and he's played hockey since he was 7. They found out yesterday that there will likely be a season this year and practice starts on Tuesday!
That's it for me. What about you? What are you feeling good about today?
Thursday, September 10, 2020
This or That Thursday
This or That - Fall Edition
Even though the Autumnal Equinox (first day of Fall) isn't until my birthday (September 23rd), Fall really seems to be in the air. Hoping to bounce back to some warmer temps next week, but for now.....
Apple Pie or Pumpkin Pie
Cozy Blankets or Warm Sweaters
Watch Movies or Read a Book
Vanilla Candle Scent or Cinnamon Candle Scent
Hot Chocolate or Pumpkin Spice
Foggy Morning or Rainy Nights
Halloween or Dia de Los Muertos
Corn Maze or Bonfire
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Motivational Mo...well, Tuesday!

Friday, September 4, 2020
Feel Good Friday!
It's Feel Good Friday! This is my list of what I'm feeling good about today....
Living room being painted today, Internet being hooked up this afternoon, and new furniture being delivered after school! I might have a place to sit INSIDE my house by the end of the day! Yay!
THREE day weekend and it's supposed to be super nice out!
I get to see my favorite aunts tomorrow!
What about you? What are you feeling good about today?
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Gold Star/Demerit Day!
Thursday blogs are a bit of a mixed bag. Today will be Gold Star/Demerit. I listen to a bunch of different podcasts. One of them is called Happier. The hosts give themselves either a gold star (Yay!) or a demerit (Boooooo!) for the week. Today I'd like you to pick one and award yourself with one of them. I'm going to give myself one of each (as an example), but you only have to give yourself one.
On a professional level, I'm going to give myself a gold star today. In fact, I'm giving us all gold stars today! We are making this whole school thing work. It's not easy, but I'm happy we are here and I'm looking forward to how our year will look.
On a personal level, I'm giving myself a demerit. I told some of you yesterday about what happened with my new floors. I had the hardwood floors refinished in my house and it was not cheap! I didn't see a text that came through that said I couldn't walk on the floor until after 6PM Tuesday, as the sealer wasn't dry yet. I walked on it.... and proceeded to leave footprints. I was in SO MUCH TROUBLE! Everyone has cooled down a bit and the floor guys are coming to fix it this morning. That totally deserves a demerit. Here's a photo of my handiwork....
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
Tasty Tuesday! Carry-Out....
Let's talk about carry-out today. Since the pandemic started, we've for sure had more carry-out than normal. We ordered from restaurants that we normally wouldn't go to and we ordered from favorites as well. We wanted to support local business. Last night we ordered from Manny's Deli and Cafeteria in Chicago. They are hurting big time during this pandemic. The vast majority of their customers all work in the Loop, but since downtown Chicago isn't really functioning at a full speed yet, their business is suffering. They usually serve 1,000 customers a day and are lucky if they get 100 now. They've been on Diner's, Drive-In's and Dives before and they are famous in the city of Chicago.
They are doing different things to drum up business, so one of the things they are doing are driveway drop offs in other towns. Sponsor your driveway as a drop off location and people can place their orders and it all gets delivered locally to one location. My friend sponsored her driveway last night, so we had Manny's for dinner. It's a Jewish Deli and they have fantastic corned beef sandwiches, brisket, and potato pancakes. We ordered all of it! So good!
So....what's your favorite place to order from? Did you get carry out more often during the pandemic?