Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Tasty Tuesday! Carry-Out....

 Let's talk about carry-out today.  Since the pandemic started, we've for sure had more carry-out than normal.  We ordered from restaurants that we normally wouldn't go to and we ordered from favorites as well.  We wanted to support local business.  Last night we ordered from Manny's Deli and Cafeteria in Chicago.  They are hurting big time during this pandemic.  The vast majority of their customers all work in the Loop, but since downtown Chicago isn't really functioning at a full speed yet, their business is suffering.  They usually serve 1,000 customers a day and are lucky if they get 100 now.  They've been on Diner's, Drive-In's and Dives before and they are famous in the city of Chicago.

They are doing different things to drum up business, so one of the things they are doing are driveway drop offs in other towns.  Sponsor your driveway as a drop off location and people can place their orders and it all gets delivered locally to one location.  My friend sponsored her driveway last night, so we had Manny's for dinner.  It's a Jewish Deli and they have fantastic corned beef sandwiches, brisket, and potato pancakes.  We ordered all of it!  So good!

So....what's your favorite place to order from?  Did you get carry out more often during the pandemic?

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