Friday, September 11, 2020

Feel Good Friday!

Happy Friday!  Here's what I'm feeling good about today....

My wedding ring fits!  I broke my hand right before Christmas last year and my ring finger and pinky were part of the cast.  It made them swell so badly that I haven't been able to fit my wedding ring past my knuckle since getting the cast off.  I try every couple of weeks and it finally fit!

I feel somewhat "moved in".  There is still a TON of things to do and unpack, but we can function as a household now and just unpack a few boxes each day.

Out with my girl gang/tribe tonight!  Celebrating a milestone for one of my girls and having dinner.

Hockey!  My son is a senior at HF and he's played hockey since he was 7.  They found out yesterday that there will likely be a season this year and practice starts on Tuesday!

That's it for me.  What about you? What are you feeling good about today?

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