Thursday, September 3, 2020

Gold Star/Demerit Day!

 Thursday blogs are a bit of a mixed bag.  Today will be Gold Star/Demerit.  I listen to a bunch of different podcasts.  One of them is called Happier.  The hosts give themselves either a gold star (Yay!) or a demerit (Boooooo!) for the week.  Today I'd like you to pick one and award yourself with one of them.  I'm going to give myself one of each (as an example), but you only have to give yourself one.

On a professional level, I'm going to give myself a gold star today.  In fact, I'm giving us all gold stars today! We are making this whole school thing work.  It's not easy, but I'm happy we are here and I'm looking forward to how our year will look.

On a personal level, I'm giving myself a demerit.  I told some of you yesterday about what happened with my new floors.  I had the hardwood floors refinished in my house and it was not cheap!  I didn't see a text that came through that said I couldn't walk on the floor until after 6PM Tuesday, as the sealer wasn't dry yet.  I walked on it.... and proceeded to leave footprints.  I was in SO MUCH TROUBLE!  Everyone has cooled down a bit and the floor guys are coming to fix it this morning. That totally deserves a demerit.  Here's a photo of my handiwork....

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