Friday, February 26, 2021

Feel Good Friday!


Five days in a row at school. I feel like it's been a while since that's happened!  At least for me.  And..the snow is melting!  

Here's what I'm feeling good about today...

  • The Cal's are getting a dog!  This is a huge deal for us. We've never really had pets, even growing up.  We pick him up next Sunday (3/7).  His name is Grumpy, but we are going to change the name.  So negative!  We are thinking Walter, Vern, Clark, or Winston.  What do you think?

  • Hockey tonight!  And we get to go!  Yay!  
  • Last of my indoor entertaining tomorrow.  Having friends over for dinner tomorrow night.  There will be eight of us.  Italian theme.  
  • 24 school days until Spring Break!
  • 60 school days until Summer Break!

Thursday, February 25, 2021


 I found this website that you puts a different spot the difference puzzle every day.  How long did it take you to find all ten.  Mine was 1:52.  There are ten differences in today's puzzle.  Try it!

How long did it take you? many did you get before you gave up?

Have a great day!  Tomorrow is FRIDAY!!  Yay!

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Tuesday - What are you looking forward to?

Hello!  Happy Tuesday!

I feel like each day we get a bit closer to normal.  What are you looking forward to most about getting back to normal?

I want everyone here in my class and no masks.  I must admit, now that I've had covid, plus being half vaccinated, I'm less patient with the mask.  I understand we still need it, but I have a bit of a different mindset about it.

I can't wait until we are all back in the classroom.  I don't think anyone is a fan of hybrid, but there are so many things I haven't been able to do because we aren't all in the same room.  People at home, please don't think I'm wagging my finger at you.  I TOTALLY get why people are at home and completely respect that.  I just mean whole classes in general.  

I also can't wait to "plan" things.  I was involved in so much and honestly, it's been nice to not have some of my responsibilities.  But.....I'm over it.  Let's go!

What about you?  

Monday, February 22, 2021

Weekend Wrap Up - Happy Asynchronous Monday!

Hey!  Happy Monday!  How was your weekend?  Mine was fine.  Vaccine was Friday. Went fine.  My arm was sore, but other than that, it went well.  Friday and Saturday nights we did the hockey thing.  Lost both games.  Booooooo.

Watched The Flight Attendant on HBOmax.  Pretty good.  Need to find something else to watch now that we've finished that one.

Goals for the week are pretty chill.  Nothing major or exciting.  I have some NHS stuff to do.

What about you??

Friday, February 19, 2021

Feel Good Friday!

Yay!  It's Friday!  What are you feeling good about today?

I got to sleep in! My vaccine appointment isn't until 1:20, so I didn't have to get up with the birds this morning.

I get my vaccine today!

Meeting friends for a late lunch

I'm feeling better from whatever knocked me over Tuesday night.

Hockey!  First game tonight.  I can't go to the game because of spectator rules, but it will be streamed.  

NO plans for the weekend.  After hosting little parties for the last two weekends, I'm happy to have a weekend with nothing.  I have another one next weekend, but then I'm done for a while!

What about you?

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Thursday! Let's get out of here!

Bitmoji Image

 As I look out my window and seeing it snow...AGAIN....I'm done!  I want out!  I was at the dentist late yesterday afternoon and the heat from the chair lamp felt like a tanning bed. I need some UV rays!  My normal tanning place is closed at the moment, so I need to find a new place to tide me over.'

If you could quick get away this weekend, where would you go?

I don't even care where at this point.  As long as I can soak up some sunshine, I'm in!  I was looking at airfare last night, but I can wait until Spring Break.

What about you?

Friday, February 12, 2021

Feel Good Friday!

Happy Chinese New Year Friday!  I have fortune cookies for all of my in-house peeps today.  Make sure you grab one! 

What are you feeling good about today?

Three day weekend!  And...really only a three day week next week because of vaccines on Friday.

Having a Mardi Gras dinner party at my house tomorrow night.  There were eight of us that were supposed to go on a couples trip to New Orleans back in September.  I'm having them all over tomorrow night for a mini crawfish boil.  

33 days of school until Spring Break!  31 for me!

68 days of school until Summer Break!  

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Grievance Thursday

It's Grievance Thursday!  Complain about your first world problems today!  

1)  Every. Single. Time. I do an Amazon "same day" purchase, it NEVER...EVER wants to deliver same day.  Even next day?  To get the same day advantage, you have to have $35 of other items in your cart.  Whenever I want something same day, I can't ever come up with $35 of something I actually need, so I wind up buying $35 of nonsense to get to that threshold.  Only to get to the shipping page and it says it won't even arrive for two days.  

2) I can't find a pair of no show socks that don't slide down.

3) Stop snowing.  Stuff needs to melt.  It can snow again if it wants.  I just need what's here already to melt so these GIANT icicles that are creating an ice dam on my roof can go away!  

What about you?  What do you want to complain about today? we don't end on a curmudgeonly note.  Have you seen the video with the lawyer and the cat filter????  Every time I see it, I laugh even harder.  Good Stuff.


Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Tasty (or untasty) Tuesday

What don't you like?  (Food-wise)

Eggs - I'm just now to the point where I don't have a full on freak out if there is some residual egg batter on my French toast.  I mean, I'll still cut it off, but I'll also be somewhat mature and not gag or cause a scene if I accidentally ingest it.

Feta/Goat/Blue Cheeses - Nope.

Black Pepper - If you want something seasoned with black pepper in my house, you're going to have to do it yourself.

BBQ (smoked items) - So many people I know have BBQ smokers.  My brother-in-law smokes meat all the time.  I just can't.  I want to like it, but nope.  

What about you?

Monday, February 8, 2021

Monday Monday.....

NGL....I'm NOT feeling it today!  My room is FREEZING!  I just want to go back home and crawl in bed.  I think I might feel a bit more positive if I wasn't so cold.  

Today is a Catch Up day. Most people owe me something.  If this is you, take advantage...  If you're all caught up, then enjoy!

How was your weekend? Mine was fine.  Nothing exciting.  Had people over yesterday for the game.  I won $100 on one of my squares!  Beyond that, game was sorta uneventful, halftime was okay, and the commercials were lackluster?  But...I had fun with my peeps.

Goals for the week?  Get through the week.  Find a tanning salon that's open.  I get SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) around this time each year.  Lack of sunshine, cold weather, etc.  It doesn't do me good.  I generally don't get a severe case, but I get it nonetheless.  

What about you?  Weekend update/goals?

Friday, February 5, 2021

Feel Good Friday! From Home...Again

Happy Feel Good Friday!  We made it another week!  

What are you feeling good about today?

  • My commute to work this frigid morning was just to walk downstairs.  I like!
  • I went out for dinner last night with three of my girlfriends who I haven't seen since before Christmas.  My stomach hurt from laughing.  That's always a feel good!  It felt so nice to be in a restaurant and somewhat normal.  
  • Hockey games!  Hockey isn't an IHSA sport, so it's under a different microscope.  We got an email last night that says we are cleared to play games.  His team is just awful and he is mediocre at best, but he's played since he was 7, so I didn't want things to end this way. I hope there can be parent spectators?  I love hockey, but I'm more excited about the fact that my kid can do SOMETHING that gets somewhat back to normal for his senior year.  
  • Pizza Friday!  Homemade pizza since I'm home all day and can make a batch of homemade dough.  
  • Super Bowl.  I don't really care who wins, but I've got a half a dozen squares out there, so I just want my numbers to win!

What about you?  What are you feeling good about today?

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Thursday Smiles

Everything is such a bummer these days.  Weather, COVID, stuff in general - You know what I mean!  My friend Beth teaches kindergarten.  She sent this in our group text yesterday...

Loved “ kid has been saying all week he has a secret and he'd tell me in 11 sleeps, 10 sleeps. He told me today he REALLY wanted to tell me TODAY and not in 9 he stayed after school and he leans really close to his screen and whispers "I'm in love with Chloe" (a little girl in our class)! Omg...this is why I teach kindergarten!! ♥️♥️♥️”--

This gave me a much needed smile!

What about you?  What has made you smile lately?


Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Tuesday - What Creeps You Out?

I sat down for a hot second last night to watch an episode of Ridiculousness with my fam last night and a commercial for Burger King came on.  Man, that "King" with the mask just gives me the heebs big time.  It creeps me out and I usually change the channel or look away.  The whole thing creeps me out.

What about you?  What sort of normal, everyday thing gives you the creeps, heebie jeebies, makes you uncomfortable, etc.?

Monday, February 1, 2021

Happy Monday - From HOME!

Snow Day today!  Even though we are still e-learning, it's still nice to sleep in a bit.  I legit got out of bed at 7:30.  On a normal day, I would have already been at school for a half hour by 7:30!  Yay!

How was your weekend?  Nothing overly exciting over here.  I wound up at urgent care on Friday night because I had this awful pain in my lower calf and that's a key spot where blood clots can begin.  Blood clots are more common in COVID patients, so I freaked out a bit and went to urgent care.  They said I did the right thing by coming in, but their ultrasound machine wasn't running, so they sent me to the ER first thing on Saturday morning.  So...that was my Saturday morning and part of my afternoon.  Final blood clot. 

Beyond that, the rest of the weekend was basically snow. I don't know how much you guys got down there, but we got at least a foot up here.  I took this picture last night.

Goal for the week...Super Bowl is this weekend and we are hosting.  I need to get things together for that.  Also, my son's 18th birthday is a week from today.  I need to work on that as well.

What about you?

Enjoy your day!