Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Tasty (or untasty) Tuesday

What don't you like?  (Food-wise)

Eggs - I'm just now to the point where I don't have a full on freak out if there is some residual egg batter on my French toast.  I mean, I'll still cut it off, but I'll also be somewhat mature and not gag or cause a scene if I accidentally ingest it.

Feta/Goat/Blue Cheeses - Nope.

Black Pepper - If you want something seasoned with black pepper in my house, you're going to have to do it yourself.

BBQ (smoked items) - So many people I know have BBQ smokers.  My brother-in-law smokes meat all the time.  I just can't.  I want to like it, but nope.  

What about you?

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