Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy Halloween!

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What was your most favorite thing you dressed up as for Halloween??
As far as a kid costume, I think my fave was when I was a box of popcorn.  I had a FRESH perm of blonde hair when I was maybe in 4th or 5th grade and my head looked like popcorn.  We got a big box and made red/white stripes on it and glued a bunch of popcorn on the top of it.  I wish I could find a pic of it!  

As an adult, I'm thinking my favorite was when my husband and I went as the Leg Lamp and Ralphie in the bunny suit from A Christmas Story or when we went as Shrek and Fiona.  

What about you???  What's your fave??

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

I'm out today!

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Today's blog question, in honor of Halloween week, is what is your favorite Halloween candy?? 
Swedish Fish
Almond Joy

Here's what's going on today....

Multimedia 1 - Once you finish your blog and watch CNN10, make sure you finish your Rent-A-Ghost project and turn it in as a PDF.  We are doing something else tomorrow and are moving on.

Multimedia 2 - Once you do your blog and watch CNN, you MUST do some podcast recording.  I will do an Audacity recording check tomorrow for a GRADE.  DO IT!

Yearbook - CALENDAR!!!  I'm putting Leah in charge of making sure the calendar days are done (there is already a stack in the Yearbook tray by the door).  Margaret, you're in charge of turkey feathers.  If you need more paper, just run across to the teacher's room to get more from the cart.  There is orange paper on the window sill.  We need 30 feathers.  Does anyone want to make a turkey body??  Have at it.  It needs to be pretty big!
P.S.  The sub will likely want to eat lunch in the lunchroom today, so my resident lunchers may have to eat in the cafeteria today.  What about something like this?

Production - BE GOOD.  I can't say this with enough stress.  All eyes are on you and I expect you to behave and act maturely.  The broadcast needs to be ready to go tomorrow.  Work hard on that.  In the meantime, check Google Classroom for an assignment that is due at the end of class TODAY (for everyone except the couple people editing)

Business Management - Once you finish your blog and watching CNN10, you have a Side Hustle School episode to listen to.  Once you've turned that in, you can work in your groups for the Target Market project.  We are NOT unraveling your people or going in the hall, or tracing anything today.  Today your job for your project is to research, print, and cut out the products you are going to put inside of your Target Market person.  

Have a great day!  See you tomorrow!

Monday, October 28, 2019

Mindset Monday

Happy Monday!  How was your weekend?  Tell me about your goals for the week!

Weekend was good!  

Nick won best costume at the Halloween party he went to!  It was a cookie jar and a package of Oreo's.

HF hockey came up with the win on Friday night.  My son is generally the peacemaker on the team. You will never see him get into a fight, but you will find him always trying to break things up.  That being said, it's rare that he finds himself on a penalty.  Whenever he gets a penalty, I always think it's funny... Jack in the Box!  Never gets old, even after all these years!

I got a notification around 6:30 Friday night that I won the Hamilton lottery for Saturday night's performance!  We were supposed to go to a Halloween party, do you pass up FRONT ROW $10 Hamilton tickets???  So, we skipped the party and headed downtown for the evening.  I love going to the city.  Every time I'm down there, I'm reminded of how much I love it and how I don't go often enough.  If you get the chance to see Hamilton before it leaves in January, RUN!  It's SOOOO good!!

So that was my weekend.  Now onto my goals...

Lots going on this week!  Between Halloween, Powder Buff, weekend plans, etc, I'm trying to get it figured out early, so I don't wind up like a crazy person at the end of the week.

St. Joe's!  Lots of St. Joe's work to do!
November calendar in the hallway.
Get Powder Buff squared away

Those are my big goals for the week.  

What about you?? 

Friday, October 25, 2019

Feel Good Friday!

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Happy Friday!

Today I'm feeling good about....
Potluck Friday with the teachers for lunch today!
Friday Night Hockey!
We ALL have Halloween parties this weekend
I don't know....but I like that it's Friday!

What about you??

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Grievance Thursday!

Air those grievances!  
I have two today...

1)  Get your sh@# together, people!  I find as I'm getting older, I'm lacking patience for other adults who don't have their act together.  Don't ask me if things are on YOUR phone?!  Don't coordinate a bunch of stuff and then bail (for a pretty silly reason) and leave me to be the lead of your project.  I have my own circus I'm trying to juggle over here!

2)  Youth Sports!  UGH! UGH!  UGH!  I've got it coming from three ways today!  Baseball, basketball, and hockey.  It's not the end of the world...

  • I'm sorry I don't have a basketball team for your 5th grader.  If you help me find some, maybe we can make a team?  If not, I don't know what more I can do.  I've exhausted all of my efforts.  Help me or move on!
  • I'm also sorry that hockey isn't our entire world.  My kid was sick, has wisdom teeth coming in, and is a group leader for Snowball, so he needs to go to the meetings for the next few weeks.  Get over it, coach!  And my kid isn't a superstar.  He's mediocre at best, so it's not like your leading scorer isn't there.  
  • And I'm even more sorry for the unfortunate fact that my son's baseball team has disbanded and people don't know what to do.  I don't know what to do, either and it's stressing me out.  There are no good options and I can't be responsible for you all, too.  I'm sorry.  Really, I am.  

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

I Think It's Official.....


I think it's official...I think it's time to put away the sandals, etc.  I'm bummed.  I always want to hang onto nice weather as long as possible.  With that, though, comes all the good cool weather stuff.  Holidays, comfort food, pumpkin nonsense, blankets, binge watching things, baking, etc.  

Since I usually go with some sort of food theme for Tuesdays, what is your favorite comfort food for cooler weather?  Is there something you crave when the weather changes?  Soup, chili, meatloaf, mashed potatoes, etc. Those are all on my list of things to make in the next week or so.  

What about you??  What's your fave thing?

Monday, October 21, 2019

It's Monday!

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It's Monday, peeps!  You know the drill by now...How was your weekend?  What are your goals for the week?

Weekend was fun! 

  • Dinner with friends at a new place on Friday
  • Saturday night we went to the Homewood Fire Dept. Oktoberfest fundraiser.  I won THREE raffles!  I won a Ring doorbell camera, I won two rounds of golf at Coyote Run, and I won a full inside/out car detail!  
  • Yesterday I had Cookbook Club.  We get together every couple of months.  We pick a recipe from a specific cookbook and then we all meet at someone's house for lunch.  It's super fun and the best part about it is that it's not my usual tribe of friends.  It's a random assortment of people who I generally don't hang with and I love it.

This week's goals....

  • I need to do a bunch of St. Joe's work.  We start practicing next week and I have to order supplies/uniforms, etc.
  • I need to wrangle up/craft Halloween costumes.  We all have parties this weekend, so we have to be ready.
  • I need to plan something for my youngest son's birthday.  

How about you??

Friday, October 18, 2019

Feel Good Friday!

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Happy Feel Good Friday!  

  • Quarter 1 is over!  We are 25% done with the year!
  • I had a nice night with my girlfriends last night.
  • I have a really good soup for lunch today.
  • NO real plans this weekend!  Just ONE baseball game.  
What about you?  What are you feeling good about today?

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Wordy Thursday?

Since we had testing yesterday,  I'm doing a Wordy Thursday today!

184 Solves...How many can you find???

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Gold Stars & Demerits!

I'm not there today.  Please be good for the sub.  If your name is written down for any reason, you will be serving a half hour detention with me next week.  NO joke on this one.


Multimedia 1 - work on your Halloween invitation.  Remember what the rubric says!  This project is due at the end of class Friday.  Do not forget  -  CNN quiz on Friday!  I put a video tutorial in Classroom for you.  

Multimedia 2 - Finish and turn in your Imaginary Friend project today.   If you are already finished, start on your podcast planning sheet.  If you need mics or headphones, they are on top of my cabinet behind my desk.
CNN quiz Friday!
Jenna & Giselle - finish the bulletin board today.  Call me (the sub has my number) and I will go over everything with you.  Everything is done for it and ready to go!

Yearbook - Reminder that you have a CNN quiz on Friday!  Lunch girls - you may be booted out of my room today for lunch, FYI.

Production - Work on your news broadcasts! Nobody leaves to film except for Ryan’s group.  
Ryan - did you take my SD card reader on accident? I gave you one yesterday and I didn’t get it back. 
Others - either work in your groups to plan or do something quietly!  

Business Management - There is a review Quizlet in Google classroom, along with some things to review for the test tomorrow.  Do the Chapter 4 packet.  It's due at the end of class today!  

In you blog today, give yourself a gold star or a demerit!  I'm giving myself a gold star today.  I went to the dentist last week.  A)  I didn't die.  B) I didn't vomit on the way there  C)  I did just fine!  
I have awful anxiety about going to the dentist and I normally have to do special mediation, take some anti-anxiety medicine, etc. just to walk in the door.  I was pretty proud of myself!

What about you??  What are you giving yourself a gold star or demerit for today??

Wordy Wednesday!

How many words can you find??

Monday, October 7, 2019

Monday 10/7

Happy Monday! How was your weekend?  What are your goals for the week?

Weekend was fine.  Nothing super exciting.  Hockey, Baseball, Downton Abbey movie, got my fall stuff out of the attic, purged some stuff for my weekly declutter, etc.

I think the goal thing will be on our regular list from here on out.  I do weekly goals and if we write them down, they tend to stick a bit more.  

My top THREE goals for the week at school...
Get yearbooks distributed
Finish BE Bench Project
Finish Student of the Month Bulletin Board

My top THREE goals for the week at home...
Find 5th graders for a 5th grade basketball team
Order Uniforms for St. Joe's
More St. Joe's stuff (youth group, pancake breakfast, etc.)

How about you?  How was your weekend?  What are your goals?

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Feel Good Friday!

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Hey, Hey, it's FRIDAY!

Here's what I'm feeling good about.....

  • Turning off the A/C in the lab.  It's FREEZING in here!  Let's open the windows!
  • Hockey game tonight! I love watching hockey!
  • Chili Cook-Off at a friend's house this weekend
  • Going out for anniversary dinner tomorrow night!  Me & Mr. Cal's 24th wedding anniversary was Monday, but we had stuff going on every night this week and didn't get a chance to celebrate.  I think we are going to the Princess.
  • Finally going to see Downton Abbey movie with one of my besties Sunday morning.
  • I'm FINALLY caught up with my digital grading.  A bunch of stuff going in Power School today!

That's about it from my world.  What about you?  What are you feeling good about today??


Eh, no blog today.  I have things I want to accomplish in my classes today, and no blog will help move things along.  


Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Tuesday - What are your GOALS this week?

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I feel like I spent most of yesterday here just dealing with the Turnabout aftermath, so I didn't get much done in terms of what I normally need to do.  I feel like I'm starting my week today. are my goals for the week.....

  • I have a bunch of design stuff I need to do for Mr. Gaham.  I may be looking for helpers with this.
  • October calendar 
  • Finish a project for Mrs. Dousias at the Princess
  • Catch up with my online grading
  • Figure out who is playing basketball.  I'm the athletic director for St. Joe's in Homewood and I need to get my team rosters organized.
  • Powder Buff!  Need to pick a date for this!
I have a whole bunch of other stuff to do, but these are the "for sures" that I want to scratch off the list.

What are your goals for the week?