Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Gold Stars & Demerits!

I'm not there today.  Please be good for the sub.  If your name is written down for any reason, you will be serving a half hour detention with me next week.  NO joke on this one.


Multimedia 1 - work on your Halloween invitation.  Remember what the rubric says!  This project is due at the end of class Friday.  Do not forget  -  CNN quiz on Friday!  I put a video tutorial in Classroom for you.  

Multimedia 2 - Finish and turn in your Imaginary Friend project today.   If you are already finished, start on your podcast planning sheet.  If you need mics or headphones, they are on top of my cabinet behind my desk.
CNN quiz Friday!
Jenna & Giselle - finish the bulletin board today.  Call me (the sub has my number) and I will go over everything with you.  Everything is done for it and ready to go!

Yearbook - Reminder that you have a CNN quiz on Friday!  Lunch girls - you may be booted out of my room today for lunch, FYI.

Production - Work on your news broadcasts! Nobody leaves to film except for Ryan’s group.  
Ryan - did you take my SD card reader on accident? I gave you one yesterday and I didn’t get it back. 
Others - either work in your groups to plan or do something quietly!  

Business Management - There is a review Quizlet in Google classroom, along with some things to review for the test tomorrow.  Do the Chapter 4 packet.  It's due at the end of class today!  

In you blog today, give yourself a gold star or a demerit!  I'm giving myself a gold star today.  I went to the dentist last week.  A)  I didn't die.  B) I didn't vomit on the way there  C)  I did just fine!  
I have awful anxiety about going to the dentist and I normally have to do special mediation, take some anti-anxiety medicine, etc. just to walk in the door.  I was pretty proud of myself!

What about you??  What are you giving yourself a gold star or demerit for today??

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