Thursday, October 3, 2019

Feel Good Friday!

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Hey, Hey, it's FRIDAY!

Here's what I'm feeling good about.....

  • Turning off the A/C in the lab.  It's FREEZING in here!  Let's open the windows!
  • Hockey game tonight! I love watching hockey!
  • Chili Cook-Off at a friend's house this weekend
  • Going out for anniversary dinner tomorrow night!  Me & Mr. Cal's 24th wedding anniversary was Monday, but we had stuff going on every night this week and didn't get a chance to celebrate.  I think we are going to the Princess.
  • Finally going to see Downton Abbey movie with one of my besties Sunday morning.
  • I'm FINALLY caught up with my digital grading.  A bunch of stuff going in Power School today!

That's about it from my world.  What about you?  What are you feeling good about today??

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