Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Wordy Wednesday - Day 27

Here we are...27 days into this!  I've been at school the last couple of days working on getting it cleaned out.  You know what a hoarder I am!!  It's not really that I have a "problem" as much as it's just silly to toss it if we will need/use it again!  Here is a pic of my room all cleared out.  I finished up this morning and it's ready for the asbestos crew to come in and do their job! I've never seen my room empty before.  They empty all the other rooms each year, but mine never gets emptied because everything is hard wired.  It's weird to see it like this.

Today is Wordy Wednesday!  How many words can you find?  There are 90 words to find today!

EVERYONE - Watch CNN10.  There will be a quiz posted on Friday that is due Monday.
MMI/MMII/Marketing - Do two more items from the Choice Board.  This will also be due on Monday at 11PM.  I'll post in Classroom.  You can do any of the items you have NOT done for this week.  
Production -  All seniors should be receiving a survey/opportunity to let us know future plans, etc. either today or tomorrow.  I've divided the list up and given each of you a few names to be in charge of.  Once that is ready, I'll post it on Classroom.  I'll also have a live chat next week to see what has come in.  
Yearbook - We have a Google Meeting tomorrow!  Check your Classroom.

Have a great day!  

Monday, April 27, 2020

Monday - Day 25

Howdy!  How was your weekend?  Saturday was super crappy with the rain ALL DAY, but yesterday was nice!  I hope you were able to get outside and enjoy the sunshine.

Friday was supposed to be Fondue Friday, but nobody wanted to combine Pizza Friday with Fondue Friday, so I made chocolate fondue for dessert on Saturday.  

Sunday, friends of ours put together a whole scavenger hunt. All of it was social distance-friendly and had 31 items on it.  We had to take a picture with all 31 items. For example...a smart car, a house with blue shutters, a business that starts with J, etc.  Super fun.  The Cal family was the first to turn in all their submissions online, but we didn't win.  Maybe my "somewhere with Easter decor  still up" pic didn't count since I went and took a picture of me in front of the Fannie May Candy 50% off Easter candy sign?  Oh was super fun and got us all out of the house!  Here is our pic for the category "matching t-shirt"

Today I want you to watch CNN10.  Reminder, your quiz #26 is due today and if you're in MMI, MMII, or Marketing, you have your first two Menu Board assignments due today as well.  Both assignments are in your Google Classroom page.  

Also, I'd like to meet with Yearbook Tomorrow.  I'll send Hangout invites and put it in Google Classroom as well.  
Let me  know if you have questions!  Have a great day!

Friday, April 24, 2020

Friday - Day 23

I totally forgot to post yesterday!  I was at school for a good chunk of the day and about 4:30 yesterday, I realized that I never made a blog post.  Sorry about that!

EVERYONE - Here is a link to the CNN Quiz.  Please do this before 11PM Monday night.  

CNN Quiz #26

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Day 21 - Wordy Wednesday!

Good Morning!  Happy Wordy Wednesday!  I wish we were all at school so I can pass out treats to the winner in each class.  

I hope the seniors like their yard signs!  It was a fun surprise to put it all together for you!  I'm going to ask everyone to have their pic taken with their sign and send it to me.  We need stuff for the yearbook!

Today's Agenda
Everyone - CNN and Wordy Wednesday

MMI/MMII/Marketing - Work on your choice board.  If you're going to do an assignment, do what it says to do.  I'm not giving partial credit for these.  You have to do what it says in order to get credit.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!  Also, I had someone say they had difficulty opening it.  Maybe because it's a PDF.  Here is a link to a Google Doc version.  
Cal Menu Board

Yearbook - We have a Google Hangout meeting at 11AM TODAY
Production - We have a Google Hangout meeting at NOON TODAY

225 Solves on this one.  How many can you find?

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Tuesday - Day 20

Hello!  Another sunshine day!  I'm trying to find something good about each day, so today the sun is shining!'s my friend April's birthday today.  April is one of my "mom" friends.  Her son Zach is the same age as my Nick.  Until 6th grade, they were in the same class since kindergarten, been on the same baseball team and basketball teams ever since.  If you've seen my 13 year old over the years, chances are you've seen her son, Zach along with him.  She's legit the best person I know!  Anyhow, Nick and I got up early this morning and decorated her front lawn for her birthday and dropped off breakfast from Calumet Bakery.  She LOVES M&M's.  I was up way late last night trying to craft these creepy (according to my oldest) M&M characters for her lawn.  That's sort of why I'm a bit late coming on this morning.  

Here's April's lawn decor, along with a picture of April & I at a Cleveland Indians game last summer when we were there for a tournament.  

Anyhow, that's what's going on in the Cal house this morning.  

Here's what I have for you today!  

Everyone - Watch CNN10 - Quiz will be live Thursday night/Friday morning and due on Monday.

Multimedia I, Multimedia II, Business Management - I've been working on this for a bit now, and it's finally finished.  I've created a Choice Board for the rest of the year.  You are to complete TWO items per week.  These are due every Monday by 11PM.  All the instructions you need are included, but PLEASE don't hesitate to ask me questions!  Choice Board is in Google Classroom.

Yearbook - We will meet TOMORROW (Wednesday) in a Google Hangout at 11AM.  I will send
you an invite in Calendar/classroom/email...I'm not really sure how it sends.

Production -  I need to push our meeting that was today to TOMORROW at NOON.  I'm sorry!  My older son has an appointment and I have to be there.  I'll send out invites.
Please let me know if you have any questions!  I'm around!

Have a GREAT Day! Miss you all!

Monday, April 20, 2020

Day 19 - Back From Break

Hello!  Welcome Back??  That seems sort of weird, no?  I won't ask my normal "What did you do over break?" as I suspect it wasn't any different than the last month of quarantine. Bummer.  

Well, I guess it's official.  No school for the rest of the year.  We all knew it was coming, but it didn't make it any less sad when the official news came on Friday.  I miss you all!  I wanted you all to have fun with all the "end of year" activities, etc.  We've got some things up our sleeves for the seniors that we have been working on.  Stay tuned!

I have THREE things on my Google Calendar to do this week!  I'm so excited!  They are mostly lame, but it's something to do!  My 13 year old and a few of his friends are working this morning at a food bank in Park Forest, helping bring things to cars.  I get to go pick them up at 12:30!  What an exciting trip, right??  I won't spoil my other two trips with you all today.  I don't want to let them all spill in one blog post!  Ha!  

Here is what's on the docket for today...

Since there aren't any "assignments" for Fridays now (I'm thinking you should have received a video or email from Gaham by now?).  Student News quizzes will still go "live" on Fridays, but they won't be due until Monday.  Today, you will ALL watch CNN10 only.  No real blog today with the exception of reading this.  

Production - I'd like to meet with you in a Google Hangout tomorrow (Tuesday) at noon.  I'll have an assignment for you ready to go.  Check Google Classroom for the link to the Hangout.  

Hit me up if you have any questions! 

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Thursday - Day 18

Bitmoji Image
Last day before Spring Break.  Does it even mean anything? I guess we get a week off from e-learning.  I didn't have travel plans, but I feel for all those who did and had to cancel.  Bummer!  If I wasn't going anywhere for break, I always still managed to get myself to a tanning bed.  I always feel better with a bit of color on my skin!  Oh well...Tanning salons are NOT essential.  Boooooooooo!!!!!!

Today's blog question...
Easter is Sunday!  I ordered Easter basket stuff a while back, and did a Target Drive-Up for the rest.  What is your favorite Easter candy?  What do you hope is in your Easter basket?  I usually love a Fannie May Raspberry Egg, know the drill on that.  Non-essential.  I like the Cadbury eggs, so I picked up a couple.  The rest of my family are all Reese's Egg people.  Everyone will get their share of those.  I still do an egg hunt in the back yard, even though they are 17 & 13.  They will still fight over the eggs..haha!  

Here is the link to your CNN quiz today.

Have a great break.  Happy Easter! "See" you when we get back!

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Wordy Wednesday - Day 17

Hello!  I think I'm going to run to school today.  I have a whole list of things I want to pick up.  I just need to be back home for an 11:30 staff meeting with Mr. Gaham.

Missing you all....

Wordy Wednesday
How many can you find?

Let's keep this simple until Spring Break
Everyone just do your blog and watch CNN.  There will be a quiz tomorrow!

Here are the answers to last week's Wordy Wednesday...

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Tuesday - Day 16

I'm feeling better today. We went for a walk yesterday at Wampum Lake in Lansing.  I haven't been there since high school, but it was fun to walk around the lake. not do this.  While we didn't get lost in the woods around the lake, there was definitely spots where the "path" ends and it's VERY muddy.  My shoes were soaked with mud when we got back to the car, but it was fun and I'm happy we did it.  After that, we stopped at the cemetery where my parents are buried and then took a little driving tour of Dolton, where I grew up.  

Today - CNN & Blog.  Quiz on Thursday.

Today's Blog...

Are you getting outside during all this?  

Monday, April 6, 2020

Motivational Monday - Day 15

Good Morning!  How goes it today?  Not gonna fib.  Yesterday was hard. I think we hit a point in the my house where everyone was just done.  Staying home and not having anything to do is NOT something we are used to and I'm surprised it took this long for us to start to crack.  Saturday we were supposed to be down in Normal for a lacrosse game, Sunday we were supposed to have a baseball game.  I was emotional yesterday and last night. is a new day!  I'm fortunate at this point to not have to figure out how I'm going to pay bills.  I'm fortunate that we aren't personally fighting the virus (to my knowledge).  I'm lucky that I don't have to worry about anyone in my immediate family having to be on the front lines as a first responder, etc.  There is plenty to be thankful for.  I know this. 

On my agenda today is trying to figure out how to craft some masks for my family. 

Here are some of my weekend highlights....hahaha

Do you watch Schitt's Creek???  If you don't, you should for sure put it on your watch list.  It's easily one of my favorite shows of all time.  The series finale is tomorrow night.  I'm so sad!  My friend, Jen gave me this coloring book the other day. If you watch the show, you'll understand the picture.

Only a four day week this week.  No "school" Friday for Good Friday.  Today's blog is just a fun puzzle I saw on the "Socials" last week....How many can you figure out??  For example, #1 is The Simpsons.  

Today, everyone's assignment is to watch CNN and do their blog.  We will do a quiz on Thursday this week.  If you didn't do your quiz from last week, make sure you go to Friday's blog and click on the link.  As of right now, 73 of you have taken it.  Great job!  I'm going to put in grades for it in a few minutes.

Happy Monday!

Friday, April 3, 2020

Friday - Day 14

Feel Good Friday!

I'm going to force myself to find some things to feel good about today!

  • I don't think I can just send out a random link for anyone to join the Google Hangout for lunch at noon today.  Here is the link to join  I'm hoping this will work.  If it doesn't, shoot me a quick message and I'll add you in!
  • It's going to be almost 70 today!  I may try to do some work in my yard today.  Free sun!  Everyone feels better when they have some sun on their skin!  And by "work" in my yard, I mean sitting and maybe reading my book?  
  • It's Pizza Friday!  Making BBQ Chicken Pizza and Taco Pizza tonight to switch things up.  
  • Today is my friend Sarah's birthday.  We are all meeting at my house later this afternoon to do another social distancing birthday drive-by!  The one we did for my friend Jackie yesterday was super fun!

That's all I can figure today for feeling good!  

One assignment today for EVERYONE. 

Click on the CNN Quiz #24 link below to take this week's quiz.

  • Also, Production....Remember we have a 1PM meeting today.  You should see an invite in your mailbox.

Have a great weekend!  As always, let me know if you have any questions!

One more thing...yesterday's puzzle answers...
1. extra birds in sky
2. extra flower
3. windows on silo
4. football instead of egg
5/6.  two eggs are designed different
7. extra egg
8. weather vane is facing different direction
9. apples on trees
10. barn door wood facing different direction
11. extra birds/trees - I can't tell what it is
12. bunny has extra whiskers

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Thursday - Day 13

I'm late to the game this morning.  I woke up earlier with a nasty headache.  I took a couple of Tylenol and went back to sleep, but forgot to set the alarm on my phone.  I woke up to my two neighbors who live next door to each other SCREAMING at each other!  I'm bummed that I only caught the end of it!  Who doesn't love some good neighborhood gossip???  
Today is my friend Jackie's birthday, so we are meeting in our cars at 3:30 today and doing a social distancing drive-by!  Should be fun!


I thought we would do a different kind of puzzle/brain teaser today....Can you spot the 12 differences?

Here's what's on the agenda today....
EVERYONE - Watch CNN10 and do today's blog.  Tomorrow is Friday and there will be a CNN quiz, along with a blog check.  Even though there were internet issues on Tuesday, you are still responsible for the content on CNN10 that day.  It will be on the quiz.

Additionally, I'm going to do a Google Hangout for lunch tomorrow at noon.  This isn't required at all.  This is just a check-in to see how everyone is doing, have a chat about whatever, etc.  I miss you guys!  Grab your lunch tomorrow and log in (I will put a link in tomorrow's blog) and we will have a lunch chat!

Marketing - There is a question I need you all to answer in Google Classroom today regarding an upcoming assignment.  Also, I am giving the opportunity to re-do your Chapter 11 test if you would like to increase your score, but you MUST do it by midnight Friday.  I will close the exam at that time.  

Production - I'm going to do a Google Hangout tomorrow (Friday) at 1PM so we can discuss a few things.  Watch for your invite!

Have a great day!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Wordy Wednesday - Day 12

150 Solves for this many can you find?

On the agenda today....

Everyone - CNN & Blog.  Watch yesterday's CNN as well, since it will be on Friday's quiz.
Multimedia 2/Production - You have a project in Google Classroom