Friday, April 3, 2020

Friday - Day 14

Feel Good Friday!

I'm going to force myself to find some things to feel good about today!

  • I don't think I can just send out a random link for anyone to join the Google Hangout for lunch at noon today.  Here is the link to join  I'm hoping this will work.  If it doesn't, shoot me a quick message and I'll add you in!
  • It's going to be almost 70 today!  I may try to do some work in my yard today.  Free sun!  Everyone feels better when they have some sun on their skin!  And by "work" in my yard, I mean sitting and maybe reading my book?  
  • It's Pizza Friday!  Making BBQ Chicken Pizza and Taco Pizza tonight to switch things up.  
  • Today is my friend Sarah's birthday.  We are all meeting at my house later this afternoon to do another social distancing birthday drive-by!  The one we did for my friend Jackie yesterday was super fun!

That's all I can figure today for feeling good!  

One assignment today for EVERYONE. 

Click on the CNN Quiz #24 link below to take this week's quiz.

  • Also, Production....Remember we have a 1PM meeting today.  You should see an invite in your mailbox.

Have a great weekend!  As always, let me know if you have any questions!

One more thing...yesterday's puzzle answers...
1. extra birds in sky
2. extra flower
3. windows on silo
4. football instead of egg
5/6.  two eggs are designed different
7. extra egg
8. weather vane is facing different direction
9. apples on trees
10. barn door wood facing different direction
11. extra birds/trees - I can't tell what it is
12. bunny has extra whiskers

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