Monday - Day 25
Howdy! How was your weekend? Saturday was super crappy with the rain ALL DAY, but yesterday was nice! I hope you were able to get outside and enjoy the sunshine.
Friday was supposed to be Fondue Friday, but nobody wanted to combine Pizza Friday with Fondue Friday, so I made chocolate fondue for dessert on Saturday.
Sunday, friends of ours put together a whole scavenger hunt. All of it was social distance-friendly and had 31 items on it. We had to take a picture with all 31 items. For example...a smart car, a house with blue shutters, a business that starts with J, etc. Super fun. The Cal family was the first to turn in all their submissions online, but we didn't win. Maybe my "somewhere with Easter decor still up" pic didn't count since I went and took a picture of me in front of the Fannie May Candy 50% off Easter candy sign? Oh was super fun and got us all out of the house! Here is our pic for the category "matching t-shirt"
Today I want you to watch CNN10. Reminder, your quiz #26 is due today and if you're in MMI, MMII, or Marketing, you have your first two Menu Board assignments due today as well. Both assignments are in your Google Classroom page.
Also, I'd like to meet with Yearbook Tomorrow. I'll send Hangout invites and put it in Google Classroom as well.
Let me know if you have questions! Have a great day!
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