Friday, March 20, 2020

Day Four - Feel Good Friday!?

Good Morning!  Happy Friday!  Even though we aren't anything normal now, I want to try to remain as normal as we can be through all of this.  So, we will continue with Feel Good Fridays.  

So, what are you feeling good about today?  

  • We are moving one step closer to putting our house on the market.  Mr. Cal and a friend are putting a new roof on our house this weekend.  
  • It was so nice last night.  Mr. Cal and I went for a walk in the neighborhood got to chat (with appropriate social distancing in place) with some friends.
  • Pizza Friday! Homemade pizza tonight.
  • Allow me to brag for a moment.  My oldest (Jack) had one of his photos chosen to be featured in the Prairie State Art Exhibit for local high schools.  Here is the link to check it out.....
You have a CNN quiz today.  Please complete this quiz by 10PM tonight.  I'm also asking for a link to your blog in the quiz.  Just copy and paste the link in the first question.

Have a great weekend!

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