Thursday, March 26, 2020

Thursday - Day 8 - Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?

Good Morning!  It's kind of a pretty morning. The birds are busy this morning and I even hear a random seagull.  If I close my eyes, I'm in Florida at the beach.  One can daydream, right?? 
Bitmoji Image
Here are your AYSTA5G questions this week...

What is the root word in the word "longest"?

True or false?  By definition, all operas are sung in Italian.

Lightning is what type of electricity?

Who was the first U.S. Secretary of the Treasury?

The names of how many months contain the letter R?

Today's Agenda..

EVERYONE - Do today's blog and watch CNN10.  There will be a quiz tomorrow!

MM1 - Your personal logo is also due tomorrow! Reminder - there is a video in Google Classroom with detailed instructions.

Marketing - Your Chapter 11 test is due tomorrow as well.

Have a great day!

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