Monday, March 23, 2020

Motivational Monday - Day 5

I've created a video for you with instructions for what to do today....  

Watch it HERE!

I goofed on Friday's quiz.  I need you to go back in and put your name on it and make sure your blog address is correct.  I showed you how in the video.  This, today's blog, CNN Student News (I forgot to mention CNN in the video), and send Mrs. Rojas a pajama day pic are your "To Do's" for today.  Make sure you fix the quiz and blog address by 7PM tonight.  I'd like to get these in the gradebook.

Snow!  I'll admit that it's pretty, but not practical for me at the moment.  I've got a dumpster in the driveway and am supposed to get a new roof!

What are you motivated for this week?  What are you going to try to do?  I'm going to try to get some things packed and decluttered in my house so we can put it up for sale.

Also, the weather is supposed to get nice after today?  Well...sort of nice...for March?  

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