Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Tasty Tuesday - Day 6

Good Morning!  Happy Day 6 of quarantine! 
Today's Blog....Do you like to cook? Have you tried to make anything different so far during your social distancing?

I've tried a few things so far.  My family will probably say the "killer garlic knots" have been their fave so far.
As of 8:05 this morning, only 53 of you have taken the CNN quiz from last week.  By the end of this week, we should have some official word on grading, so I'd HIGHLY suggest making sure you're doing your work so you can get credit!  

Here's today's lineup...

MM1/MM2/Yearbook/Production - Blog & CNN

Marketing - There is a Chapter 11 Assessment in Google Classroom.  This needs to be completed by 10PM Wednesday evening or it will be considered late and additional points will be taken off.  

As always, let me know if you have questions!  Have a great day!

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