Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Wordy Wednesday - Day 7

I would be remiss if I didn't share this.  You all know I LOVE manatees and that we adopt Lenny each year.  Today is Manatee Appreciation Day!  Happy Manatee Appreciation Day, Lenny!  If you're interested in adopting a manatee, go to

230 many can you find?

Wednesday!  I spent a lot of time yesterday answering emails, putting grades in, emailing students and parents, etc.  Here's what's on the docket today...


Multimedia 1 - You also have an assignment in Google Classroom.  Due this evening by 10PM. I recorded a video tutorial to go along with it.  Make sure you watch!
Marketing - Finish the Chapter 11 test, in addition to CNN & Blog
Multimedia 2/Yearbook/Production - CNN & Blog

Make sure you email me if you have any questions!

Have a great day!  Supposedly, record level rain is on the way.  Get outside today while the sun is out and get some fresh air!

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